
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Waterford...Upcoming mid-week league in Colligan Wood, Dungarvan


This 4 week league will cater for all levels of runners and joggers with a good choice of distances available to suit all. Whatever you think you might be able to manage distance wise there will be a run to suit you.

For the complete beginner there is the option of doing two laps of the wood, beginning at the wooden bridge and finishing at the wooden bridge. This is 4km in distance or 2.5 miles so it might suit all those that ran the short route over the winter league plus this route is more or less completely on the flat.

Another option is to take part in the 5-mile circuit; this is 3 and a half laps of the same flat circuit of the wood mentioned above.

The final option is the 5 mile hill route which is one lap of the wood for starters and then up the first hill more commonly known as “God’s Forehead”, down the hill and then across the road for the second hill and finishing in by the wood at the bridge.

The entry fee for all runners is €2 and all are most welcome. Regardless of the route you decide to do, proceedings will get underway at 6.15 p.m. sharp. They ask all runners to please be on time as with the fading light, it will be necessary to start on time. There will be four stages of the league; the first night will be on Wednesday March 16th and the following 3 Wednesday evenings.

Round 1: Wednesday March 16th at 6.15 p.m.
Round 2: Wednesday March 23rd at 6.15 p.m.
Round 3: Wednesday March 30th at 6.15 p.m.
Round 4: Wednesday April 6th at 6.15 p.m.

ROUTES: 2 laps of the wood (Flat) 2.5 miles, 3.5 laps of the wood (Flat) 5 miles, 5 mile Hills

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