
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kerry...5 mile race in Tralee on 23rd of Sept cancelled...

Kerry Athletics have just announced the following........"We are very sorry to announce that the 5 mile race in Tralee on Friday 23rd September has been cancelled. Anyone who booked and paid for all 3 races in advance will be reimbursed. "


  1. Lack of numbers the reason?

  2. Second race to be cancelled in Tralee in successive months, what is the story here, I had 2 friends coming down from cork for both races

  3. any idea if the 10 mile in Killarney is gonna go ahead? think its the same crowd running it

  4. Their runkerryrun website has vanished.

  5. Just checked it and the website is still there.

    As far as I know, the 10 mile event is going ahead.....probably in the National Park in Killarney.

    To be confirmed...


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