
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Kerry...Results of the Valentia Half-Marathon - Sat 1st Oct 2011

A total of 171 runners turned out for the inaugural Valentia Half-Marathon. The mens race was won by Cian Murphy of Iveragh AC in 1:13:51. The womens race was won by Deirdre Nagle of Eagle AC in a time of 1:30:39.

The full results can be seen HERE

A slideshow of photos by Joe Murphy of Eagle AC......HERE


  1. No T-shirts kept for those who pre registered, despite the claim being made that only those who pre registered would get one....At the start of race signs were held up for 1hr 30 and 2 hr pace calling people to bunch according to times, race started and the 2hr pace guy raced ahead and finsished in and around 1hr 30.Very off putting as we thought we had pacemakers.
    Outside of the above, nice course, well marshalled and plenty of water.

  2. Cracking race, can highly recommend it to anyone. Well organised, scenic, if tough, course.

  3. Brilliant race,only 20euro and tech t-shirts which actually fit! Most t-shirts I get are way too big, I guess they are designed for men and not women!

    Tough course, but fantastic views, I'll be back again next year.

    Like all races, improvements can be made, but as a first time race, well done to all.

  4. Thanks to all who organised this wonderful event. A great atmosphere and a fab scenic course. Sandwiches and good coffee after. I will be back.

  5. Good memory of race and view(though should concentrate more on my run than view around me!)entry price & t-shirt,marshaling and distance sign in KM and road marking in miles. Hard climb to quarry, not so bad after that.Will try harder next year to improve on time. Suggestion for next year - turn more into a family event with activities for families waiting for race to finish (bouncy castle? etc.).

  6. I pre-registered and got a t-shirt and there was still loads left at that time, it was simply a case of the organisers not anticipating the numbers that showed on the day. I heard it clearly stated at the start line that the people holding sheets with times were not pacers. Overall very well organised and the course was a real test, full credit to all involved.

  7. A really well run first outing for the Valentia Half. Yes - improvements can be made. However for 20 euro it was fantastic value, the tech top alone it probably worth that. It was an event that the whole island got behind. Will definitely be back next year.

  8. Not sure where the first commenter got the idea from that there were pacers, to be honest. With 171 runners the race is too small for proper pace groups IMHO.

  9. Very scenic beautiful views. Love it down there but for €20 got no t shirt or anything. A couple of biscuits at the end. And despite what someone said I thought there should have been a lot more water stations. And no energy drinks either. Improvements to be made but in saying that I'll be back next yr. Hopefully get a t shirt next time!

  10. Yeah, was one of the ones who pre registered but ended up without a teeshirt (well took the very last one, but it was XL). Was susprised they weren't kept aside as think entry form specfied your teeshirt size and would have thought that was the point. Funnily enough, what irks me is that they were really nice!

    Apart from that small issue, nice run in nice location.

  11. Tough course.Fantastic scenery.Good overall experience.Pre-registered but no t-shirt and the souvenir would have been nice.Stations well placed but large cups of water meant that you had to slow down alot to not have it splashing everywhere (I understand that cups are better for clean up and environment but not ideal when running).Am making these observations as would like to be back next year and see a good event become a great one.


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