
Monday, April 7, 2014

Limerick...Results of the Jacinta O'Brien Plassey 10k - Sun 6th Apr 2014

A total of 386 people took part in this charity 10k organised by the students of UL. This race got a few negative comments last year but at least a proper set of  results have been issued this year.

1    31:34 Michael Carmody
2    32:17 Aaron O'Brien
3    33:22 Declan Moore
14    39:02 Rachel Clancy
15    39:06 Laura Collins
21    40:41 Orla Power

The full results can be seen HERE

1 comment:

  1. Clearly the organisers didn't listen to any of the feedback from last year as this years run was a mess.
    20 minutes late starting again because the collection of race numbers was so badly run. It was pretty clear that most people had registered online, so why was there only one spot for those people to collect? People registering on the day were rewarded with an empty queue and two people to register them, and the 80 or 90 psychology students had their own personal queue too. What about the 300 others who'd registered online?
    Absolutely ridiculous that nothing was done to speed it up.
    The advice about the lack of chip timing was to "not bunch together at the finish line so that we can record your numbers and times". How hard is it to get the chips in? I've been at local 5k races where they've chipped it. I'm still waiting for my "official" time.
    I will not be attending next year.


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