
Monday, July 21, 2014

Kerry...Results of the Run Killarney Marathon, Half-Marathon & 10k - Sat 19th July 2014

The Run Killarney Marathon, Half-Marathon & 10k was held on Saturday the 19th of July 2014.

This event first started off back in 2010 I believe when it was the 15 mile "Maxi-Marathon". At the time, the distance seemed a bit strange in that 15 miles is not usual for a race.

Every year since, it has changed with different options being added. There was a half-marathon option which would go on to prove way more popular than the 15 mile distance. A 10k was added to appeal to those who preferred shorter distances and then a full marathon race of 26.2 miles was added.

There have been a few bumps along the way as the event changed and improved. I have been involved in putting together the pacing teams for this event since they were first featured in 2013 and took part in the half and maxi in previous years. 2014 was without doubt the best year so far.

It was very obvious last Saturday just the level of organisation that goes into an event like this with multiple races. Some of the big pluses this year...
a) Posting out race numbers to runners so that they are not forced to come to Killarney the previous evening. People should have a choice as to whether they want to stay in Killarney the previous night or want to drive there that morning. Big plus.
b) Plenty of water...lots of race stewards.....and of course, the closed road from Molls Gap to Killarney.
c) Getting a stew at the hotel at the Gleneagle Hotel after the race......way better than last year.
d) Nice dry fit top without the huge 'the most beautiful race' nonsense on the back of it like in previous years. i.e. people are much more likely to wear it for training.
e) Medals and trophies......locally sourced from Monson Irish Jewelry in Ballyheigue rather than something mass produced in China.

Killarney is a really good venue for staying the night before and there seems to be always something on. This year, it was an Irish music festival. It's a great spot for a group to travel away to for the weekend and it's easy to imagine the difference an event like this with 1500+ runners makes to the town. There seems to be more choice than ever on the race calendar but the fact that it is in Killarney alone will make this one remain a favourite with many people.

These were 112 in the full marathon with women making up 21% of the field.

Full Marathon...
1 Ages 40-49       Eugene MCCARTHY   2:47:32
2 Senior               Mark GUERIN      3:00:09
3 Senior               Vivian MOLONEY   3:03:15
1 Senior               Melissah GIBSON  3:17:49
2 Ages 40-49       Caroline KELLY       3:28:45
3 Senior              Aideen SHINNERS   3:41:07

The full marathon results can be seen HERE

The half-marathon in contrast had big numbers again this year with 700 taking part. Women made up 46% of the field.

Half Marathon
1 Senior        Philip HARTY         1:10:55
2 Senior        Conor MCCAULEY   1:16:17
3 Senior        Donal White           1:20:14
1 Ages 40-49      Emilia DAN          1:28:04
2 Ages 40-49      Caitriona BARRY   1:29:34
3 Senior               Aoife JOYCE    1:29:41

The half-marathon results can be seen HERE

1 Senior       Micheal DULLEA    33:58
2 Senior       Stephen YOUNG     37:27
3 Senior       Shane SPELLMAN    39:22
1 Senior        Maria MCCARTHY   37:46
2 Senior        Siobhan DALY      42:57
3 Senior        Clodagh GALVIN    43:27

In the 10k race, women made up 66% of the field with 755 taking part overall. The 10k results can be seen HERE

1) The organisers have loads on their Facebook page.
Album 1...49 photos...Start of the 10k and some half finishers...HERE
Album 2...51 photos...Mostly half-marathon finishers...HERE
Album 3...50 photos...Finish line photos Half & 10k...HERE
Album 4...24 photos...Mostly of the early stages of the Marathon...HERE
Album 5...25 photos...Marathon & half runners out on the course...HERE
Album 6...51 photos...Half runners out on the course...HERE
Album 7...29 photos...Mostly of half runner out on course...HERE
Album 8...51 photos...Half runners out on the course...HERE
Album 9...51 photos...Half and 10k runners out on course...HERE
Album 10...32 photos...10k runners out on course...HERE
Album 11...51 photos...Finish area...HERE 
Album 12...60 photos...Finish area...HERE

2) Kieran Minihane has a nice gallery of 382 photos HERE


  1. Fantastic event. Top notch organisation.

    Only issue for next year's planning is the jaunting cars in Muckross Park. They were going very fast and a real danger to the runners on such narrow paths.

    Brilliant day. I will definitely be back.

  2. This was my 1st half and I really enjoyed it. One question, would the half coarse be considered easy in comparison to say the cork half or charleville half?

  3. Paced the Half and have raced both Cork and Charleville in the past. It's probably a little easier in that it is nett downhill. However most of the drop comes in miles 3 to 5 and requires a lot of "braking" using your quads. This leaves your legs fairly dead for the second half of the race. Overall probably a little quicker but probably a lot less so than a a 500 ft nett descent would suggest,

  4. I meant to say in last post that I fully agree re jaunting cars. The organisers succeeded in closing the Killarney to Kenmare Road for a protracted period (no mean feat, I suspect). It's a pity the jarveys didn't play ball- they weren't taking any prisoners and I even heard on swear at us when we didn't step off the path into the dirt margin near Muckross House.

  5. really enjoy this run it was my first 10k and thought the scenery was fab and the atmosphere down in Killarney was unreal. would def do it again next year


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