This website contains information about some of the road races in the counties of Kerry, Limerick, Clare, Tipperary and Waterford in Munster, Ireland. For races in Cork, see the Running in Cork website which is the largest athletics website in Munster. That site also contains plenty of national and international news items as well.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Kilkenny...The Every Woman 4 Mile Road Race - 19th April 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Outfield Sports / Asics 3 Counties Challenge

Waterford...Ger Wyley / Nike Summer Series 2009

a) There are 10 races in the Ger Wyley/Nike Summer Series. The ten races are open to all athletes over 16 years of age.
b) You must pay to enter each race - if you would like to join the series, you pay €7 seperately.
c) For those that join the series, we keep track of your finishing position in each race that you do and your final score will be your best 6 races. You must do a minimum of 6 races to be part of the series.
d) After the final race, prizes will be awarded to the top ten men overall and also to the 20th, 30th, 40th man, every 10th position.
e) In the ladies, prizes will be awarded to the top five women overall and also to the 10th, 15th, 20th finisher, every 5th finisher.
f) A €25 Nike voucher (redeemable at Ger Wyley Sports Shop) will be awarded to any runner that takes part in any 6 of the 10 races. For those that run in all ten races, they will receive a €75 voucher.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Tipperary...Stuart Mangan Appeal 10k race report - Sun 26th Apr 2009

Rockwell College Co.Tipp was the destination this weekend for my travels around Munster. After last weekend's trip to Kenmare to do the Jack And Jill run up the hills 10k event for charity, I decided to go and see what this event in Rockwell was all about. It was obvious from 12.30pm onwards that something big was going to happen here today when car after car started to arrive and in no time, a very big car park was almost full to capacity. At the start of the race, I took a look behind me and the crowd was huge. Not sure of the number's but certainly well in the hundred's. The race kicked off at a such a pace we were passing the 3k mark in just under 10 Min's this was down to the amount of young students from the college that went off like they had rocket's attached to them from the start! The only elite athlete that I recognized was Sean Sidwell from West Waterford Ac and as I expected after chatting with Sean, the West Waterford athlete went on to win the race in just over 35 Min's. The whole race was run in the college grounds and there was quiet a few pulls on this course. I'm told they have 1000 acres of land there and what was unusual about this race was that you could see what every one else was doing just like the beach race in Youghal last week. The funniest part was when I was running towards the 9k mark, other runners were running to the 7k mark. They were kept on the right hand side of the path and we at the front on the left hand side of the path. So you were racing past all these people with 1k to go and they had 3k to go.......strange! The afters was packed out. The hall was huge and there was very little room. Before the prizes were given out, we watched ourselves run the race on a huge screen while we waited for the final results. What a feast we had........ tea, coffee, sandwiches, bottle's of chocolate milk and banana milk. About 8 different type's of cakes .....oh yummy!! Loads to go round for all. They played a video of Stuart which lasted around 10 minutes and it was sad to see a young man in his prime with the injuries he suffered due to a rugby accident. At the end, he received a huge round of applause and he was so determined to get on with life. It was incredible to see how brave he is considering what he is going through. This event will be of great benefit to him now and into the future. Only 1 prize per athlete...senior male winner, masters winner, U18 winner and U15 winner for both male and female. They also had fine prizes for a raffle draw.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Waterford...Results of the Butlerstown 10k road race - Fri 24th Apr 2009

The sign-on was at the Butlerstown GAA clubhouse. The queue was out the door and well into the car park - in the rain! But it didn't seem to dampen spirits.
The course is three and a bit laps of a somewhat square two-mile circuit, with a half-mile on each side of the square.
The race start was a few 100m up the side road between the Holy Cross Inn and the GAA pitch, at a wide point outside some private houses. Ordinarily, two cars could pass on this entire road, but because many people had also parked on one side of this road, it was a heavily congested start.
The route runs back towards the Holy Cross Inn, taking a left onto the N25, heading up a gentle slope to the N25/Butlerstown Roundabout, and going left again. One meets a second roundabout, and you go left again. Here it begins to get steep for a short distance, and then another left, bringing you back over the start line. Basically, it's an anti-clockwise course on what would appear on the Maps to be a square course. However, only the western section appeared visually straight.
There were large bright mile marker signs at each mile.
One of the race organizers led the runners in his car, giving a running commentary, and updates on the Waterford-Limerick match, and asking slower runners to give way to the race leaders. I myself was lapped by Sandis Bralitis, on my second lap.
The finish was on the grass inside the GAA grounds, alongside the pitch. There was particular traffic congestion outside the GAA pitch itself at the finish.
I think more consideration/planning should be given to parking, and perhaps closing the entire road outside the GAA club? Traffic eastbound on the N25 was closed for the first, but not the second or third laps. The N25 section was probably the poorest road surface. The other roads were in good condition.
Many people were damp, but certainly not down-hearted at the end.
I must note that some hardworking person stayed up very late to put together the results, and to post on the West Waterford AC site.
For comparison, I would rate this course as hillier than the CorkBHAA UCC 10k race, as borne out by the finish times.
Men’s winner - Sandis Bralitis, West Waterford AC, 31:49 -- 2:23 ahead of 2nd place!
The next race in the Ger Wyley Summer Series is: Waterford to Tramore 7.5 on Saturday 9th May at 19:30.Note: this will be a point-to-point You need to make your own arrangements to back.
3 J/F 34 S/F 27 F/35 14 F/40 11 F/45 4 F/50 2 F/55
1 J/M 108 S/M 38 M/40 32 M/45 22 M/50 12 M/55 3 M/60 1 M/65
Friday, April 24, 2009
Races in Munster...Fri 24th to Sun 26th Apr 2009
1) Waterford.......The Butlerstown 10k on Friday evening starting at 7:30pm.
2) Tipperary........The Stuart Mangan Appeal 10k Fun Run in Rockwell College between Caher and Cashel in south Tipperary. This event is on Sunday the 26th and starts at 2pm. A flyer for this event can be seen HERE.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Waterford...Preview of the Butlerstown 10k Road Race - Fri 24th of April 2009

Race 2 in the Ger Wyley Sports/Nike Summer Series.
An open 10k race beginning at 7.30 p.m.
Entries taken at the Butlerstown GAA club house. If travelling from Dungarvan take a left off the N25 at the Holy Cross Bar. If travelling from Waterford, follow the N25 to the Butlerstown roundabout, head in the direction of Dungarvan and take a right at the Holy Cross Bar.
Entry Fee is €8.
Showers and changing facilites available at the club grounds.
Refreshments and prize-giving in the Holy Cross Bar after the race.
Clare...Results of the Healthy Heart 10k Fun Run - Sat 18th Apr 2009

All Proceeds in Aid of two Charities
Kilmaley Voluntary Housing Association &The Ray of Hope Hospice Jinja, Uganda
1 Dermot Galvin St Johns 33 : 13

Wheelchair Athlete;-1. Gerry Forde Blarney Cork 70 : 30
Wexford...Results of the Wexford Half-Marathon - Sun 19th Apr 2009

Kilkenny...Results of the Every Woman 4 Mile Road Race - Sun 19th Apr 2009
Tipperary...Results of the Tipperary Senior Road Championships - Sun 19th Apr 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Kerry...Jack and Jill 10km Race Report - Sat 18th

Race Report from Donal O'Donoughue...
"This is one seriously tough course.The race was organised in conjunction with Kenmare Triathlon Club.
Entry was steep at EUR30.00 for runners, but all proceeds went to Charity. Registration on the day this year was at JR McCarthy's Hardware shop, next to Quills. All entrants received a green Jack+Jill tee-shirt, which many entrants wore. There were more than 1,120 participants, including both runners and walkers. Several people walked with dogs, and there were a few prams setting out too. They ran out of bibs and late entrants received a handwritten sticker. This fell off somewhere on route!
The start was just after 15:00. There was no separate start for the walking category leading to a rather congested first kilometre. Road junctions on the route were closed by the Gardai, and we were soon onto narrow country roads, with a bit of grass growing down the middle. There was only one traffic incursion by a slow car - possibly lost tourists!
This course should be compared with Friday's Marine Climb 6 in Dungarvan. Both start near sea level. In Dungarvan, after a relatively flat start, you rise to 600ft over 3.5 miles. In Kenmare, you rise to 665ft over 1.5 miles! Maybe this should be on the IMRA calendar?!?! This is so steep that most people, including myself, slowed to a fast walking pace at the steepest sections. Organizers had put up a humorous sign "500m Pale of Water". In my oxygen deprived state, I wondered for a few seconds what this meant? There were three water stations, with cups of water, bottles of water, bananas, orange slices, and even crisps and lollipops. Normally, like Ron Hill ;-) I would rarely stop for water on a short race, but here I fully availed of water, a banana, and two orange slices, even stopping for 20s to consume these.
Every kilometre was painted in red on the road surface.
The hill is somewhat deceptive, with many false horizons. When you think you're about to reach the top, you find it just levels off fractionally, and a new horizon appears. You get there and another Horizon appears!
I thought after climbing that hill, that I'd have a horrendous finishing time, but I was only one minute off my Dungarvan time, for a higher course, with only 0.02 miles more to cover.
You go downhill rather steeply after 2.0 miles, and one has to be careful to avoid going too fast. There is a rise again at 2.7 miles. From the midway point, it's all downhill. However one is still in recovery for a while.
Unlike the Marine Climb 6, this is a circuit, with identical start and finish lines.This may have been a short course ?It was advertised as 10k, but my Garmin recorded only 9.72km, and that was starting from several metres behind the back of the pack.
All finishers received a Gold Medal on a green shoulder strap. Nice :-)
Having lost my sticker, I had to give my number verbally at the line.There was a large selection of water, orange juice, apple juice, etc, plus Snickers, Mars bars, Taytos, Bananas, Orange slices on a table behind the finish line.
A well organized event, but from an Athletics point of view, it's perhaps too steep for continuous running for most athletes.
Tip: If you ever get a sticker as a bib, secure it with safety pins.
Donal O'Donoghue, Cork"
Monday, April 20, 2009
Waterford...Results of the Marine Climb - 17th Apr 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009
Races in Munster - Fri 17th to Sun 19th Apr 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Races in Munster - Thurs 16th & Fri 17th

I did this race several years ago. From what I remember, the sign on and start is right in the middle of the town of Dungarvan itself. The race heads back out out of the town along the main road towards Cork. It then swings off left for Ring. Soon, the 'climb' part starts in the race as you slowly work your way uphill through a series of country roads. I remember when I did it, I was waiting for the turn off back towards the town as we seemed to be constantly running away from Dungarvan. When I got to about 4 miles, I began to have to wonder if we were ever going to make our way back. In fact, you don't!! I had assumed that the 'Marine Climb' was a hilly loop course near the sea. In fact, it's a point to point race and the 'Marine' part refers to the 'Marine Bar' at the top of the hill on the Cork/Dungarvan road where the finish is.
As it turned out, someone very kindly gave me a lift back to Dungarvan but keep it in mind if you doing it. I don't think there are any buses or anything like that. It's up to you to make your own way back to Dungarvan.
With the hills, it's certainly not a course for fast times but most of the race is on quiet country roads.
The following information is from the West Waterford AC website...
Race one in the Ger Wyley Sports/Nike Summer Series.
17th Annual Marine Climb
A 6 mile road race comprising of an A to B course, beginning in the town of Dungarvan and finishing at the Marine Bar, Ring.
Entries taken at St. Joseph's Primary School, close to the Parish church in the town.
Entry fee is €8 and the race is open to all athletes.
The race begins at 7 p.m.
Refreshments and prize-giving in the Marine Bar after the race.
Men: 1st three Senior men, Ist O/40, O/45, O/50, O/55 and O/60 plus first Junior.
Ladies: 1st three Senior,1st O/35, O/40, O/45, O/50, O/55 plus first junior.
Teams: First 3 teams (5 to score) Mixed teams chosen from entries
If travelling with a friend or two, it's a good idea to travel in two cars. Before the race, leave one car at the Marine and then travel into town to enter. That way, you will have a car to bring you back to the town. There will be a few cars heading back that direction so you won't be stuck.
Course Record: James Sullivan, Waterford A.C 30.20 (1995)
Guest Article...Kilnaboy - A Classic Race That's a Rite of Spring

Over 20 years ago writing in the Irish Runner, Dick Hooper – who once held the record for the Kilnaboy ‘10’ – gave this definition of a classic race: “to become a Classic you must also become an institution, in a way nothing must change. It’s just that you stay at a peak forever … and everyone will assemble because they know that on this date, at this time of the year, this is the place to be.”
Using this yardstick, the Michael (Sonny) Murphy Memorial ten-miler, which this year celebrates it 25th anniversary, certainly (as today’s jargon would put it) ticks all of the above boxes.
I must confess that prior to getting to know of the event, the name Sonny Murphy and his exploits in far-off Los Angeles in the Olympic Games of 1932 meant little to me. Even the name of Kilnaboy wouldn’t register either until members of that club started making the trip to Ballycotton in the early 1980s.
Back then, entry to the village wasn’t as restricted as nowadays and the race didn’t start until 2.30pm. Yet it wasn’t unusual to see a mini-bus of red-and-white striped athletes trying to negotiate its way up the main street just as the starting gun was being fired. Suffice to say it was just as well no chip timing mat had to be crossed at the start to guarantee a time in those days!
No doubt these intrepid travellers also left a few leaflets announcing the birth of another ten-mile race and so, on Sunday April 12, 1987, my East Cork team-mates and myself took the road to Clare. I can’t remember too much about the day, only that we came home with a team prize, but the diary shows a time of 57:50 for 22nd position out of the 126 finishers.
For the next few years, other races took precedent and it would be 1991 before I would compete there again, and I glad to say I haven’t missed a race since. That was the year the afore-mentioned Dick Hooper won in a time of 50:40, just 14 seconds in front of Paddy Murray from Mayo. My 56:36 was good enough to scrape into the top ten, but maybe it’s no harm in mentioning that the course then was a tad shorter than it is today.
I remained under the hour until 1996 when the evitable slowing process set in, although two year later I was just 21 seconds outside of the magic barrier. Those trips of the early 90s hold their own special memories for me for a variety of reasons, and therefore it’s easy to see why Kilnaboy ranks as my favourite racing destination on the calendar.
Numbers taking part then typically hovered around the 85 to 100 mark and were generally made up of club standard athletes. In 1999, having picked up my first serious injury in a long career, I still had to be there even though it took me all of 81-and-a-half minutes to get around and I had just 13 other runners behind me from the 114 finishers. Of course nowadays, with the advent of the John Buckley Sports/Munster Ten-Mile Spring Classics Series, entries have soared to near the 300 mark.
The course itself can be quite demanding – but then, as a certain running advert used to state ‘nobody said it was going to be easy’. The first half lures you into an expectation of a fast time but then you hit Corofin and the short, sharp hills take their toll and there is also the final climb to surmount as you pass the welcome ‘400 metres to go’ painted on the road.
But what is it that makes this race so special? First of all there is the unique landscape and surely there is nothing lovelier than running through the Burren in early springtime. But most of all, the event has retained its friendly charm and distinctiveness, especially evident in the warm welcome for each and every runner. It is here that you can truly say that “nothing has changed.”
You know, on your arrival as you turn right past the ruins of the old church that the helpful stewards will be in place to guide you into the car parks; that Vincent, Margaret and Jason McCarthy, along with Sean Roche and the rest of the Kilnaboy crew, will be there to greet you; that inside on the wall of the local school will be a display of photographs from the previous year; that James Sexton will be hurrying about with camera in one hand and mobile phone in the other; that Gerry Hayes will be positioned at several points around the course dispensing words of encouragement; and of course when you finish that the local ladies will have lashings of tea, sandwiches and cakes at the ready.
So you can see why the Kilnaboy ‘10’ is now such an established ‘Classic’ – after 25 years it’s hard but to be anything else. The race also gives a glimpse of brighter days ahead after a long and harsh winter. And you can certainly take pride if you have been successful in completing the four ‘Spring Classics’, from the cold and wet of January to the sunshine and promise of April.
In a way, like Easter Sunday itself, the race is a celebration and a rebirth for all those fortunate enough to experience it.
You could even call it a ‘Rite of Spring’ - long may it continue.
- John Walshe (East Cork AC)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Clare...A quick look at the Kilnaboy numbers

As you can see from the graph above, the numbers were pretty small before 2003. The numbers were growing from the mid-90's but very slowly.
In 2003, the John Buckley Sports Munster Ten-Mile Spring Classics Series started off with the Mallow 10 in January, the Dungarvan 10 in February, the Ballycotton 10 in March and the Kilnaboy 10 in April. There was a surge that year as more people went to Kilnaboy to complete the 4th race in the series. In 2004 there was another surge and since then, the numbers have been pretty steady. That is until 2009! It's easy to say that there were an extra 90 or so runners compared to last year but when you look at the graph, it really shows how dramatic the increase was.
The question is why? Is it mainly due to the increased popularity of the Series? Or is it because more people are just running? More publicity? A combination of these factors?
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Clare...Results of the Kilnaboy 10 Mile Road Race - Sun 12th Apr 2009

Results......The results of the Kilnayboy race are shown below. The overall results of the series might take a few days to do up.
Photos.......West Waterford have around 150 photos up on their website.
Set 1......38 photos (just after the start of the race)
Set 2......39 photos (mostly just after the start)
Set 3......39 photos (some of the slower runners just after the start & some others finishing)
Set 4......38 photos (some near the finish. Mainly West Waterford AC runners)
KILNABOY '10' ...Sunday 12 April 2009. 2:00pm
Provisional Results for All Competitors in finish order.
Place Time Name Team Race Age Category min/mile
1 0:51:37 HEHIR, Sean Rathfarnham-WSAF AC M 05:09.6 308 1
2 0:51:51 CLOHISEY, Mick Raheny Shamrock AC M 05:11.0 453 2
3 0:55:54 ZAKIS, Raivis West Waterford AC M 05:35.3 2 3
4 0:56:11 BYRNE, John Mayo AC M 05:37.0 348 4
5 0:56:52 POWER, Seamus Kilmurry-Ibrickane NC AC M 05:41.1
6 0:57:12 MURPHY, Brian Marian AC M 05:43.1 456 6
7 0:57:14 MALONEY, Conor Galway City Harriers M 05:43.3 479 7
8 0:57:18 CORCORAN, Martin Craughwell AC M45 05:43.7 394 8
9 0:57:34 WILMOTT, Kevin Bandon AC M 05:45.3 8 9
10 0:57:46 LINEHAN, Adrian Boherbue M 05:46.5 13 10
11 0:57:57 STAUNTON, Robert Galway City Harriers M 05:47.6
12 0:58:46 MARSHALL, Con St. Finbarrs AC M 05:52.5 3 12
13 0:58:57 DE BURCA, Cosmos Rising Sun AC M 05:53.6 12 13
14 0:59:08 RYAN, Keith Limerick AC M40 05:54.7 22 14
15 0:59:48 LANE, Johhny Craughwell AC M 05:58.7 395 15
16 0:59:57 CHAWKE, Joe West Limerick AC M40 05:59.6 383 16
17 0:59:59 EGAN, Ian Galway City Harriers M40 05:59.8 473 17
18 1:00:24 FORTUNE, Bernard Sliabh Buidhe Rovers AC M 06:02.3
19 1:00:40 O'BRIEN, John Galway City Harriers M40 06:03.9
20 1:00:42 DEVANNEY, Anthony Mayo AC M 06:04.1 349 20
21 1:00:55 HEAGNEY, Ambrose Kilnaboy AC M45 06:05.4 32 21
22 1:00:59 LYNSKEY, Andrew Dublin M 06:05.8 379 22
23 1:01:07 COLLINS, Niall West Limerick AC M 06:06.6 377 23
24 1:01:07 O'DUBHGAIN, Padraig Leevale AC M 06:06.6 25 24
25 1:01:10 MCEVILLY, Martin Galway City Harriers M60 06:06.9
26 1:01:32 DORNEY, Madeline Thurles Crokes AC F 06:09.1 30 26
27 1:01:35 DELANEY, Brendan Coolquill AC M40 06:09.4 267 27
28 1:01:44 MULLINS, David Tuam AC M40 06:10.3 496 28
29 1:02:17 DEVINE, Ken St. Finbarrs AC M40 06:13.6 38 29
30 1:02:19 HOGAN, Pat Ennis Track Club M40 06:13.8 495 30
31 1:02:27 HENNESSY, Terence St. Cronans AC M40 06:14.6 27 31
32 1:02:35 KENNED, Robert Dingle M 06:15.4 364 32
33 1:02:36 BARRY, Fergal Newmarket M 06:15.5 344 33
34 1:02:41 ENRIGHT, Pakie Sportsworld RC M 06:16.0 457 34
35 1:02:43 CANTWELL, Gerry West Waterford AC M50 06:16.2
36 1:02:46 MARSHALL, Patrick St. Abbans AC M 06:16.5 40 36
37 1:02:48 MCCANN, Angela Clonmel AC F 06:16.7 458 37
38 1:02:54 BURKE, Alan Athenry AC M 06:17.3 392 38
39 1:03:03 O'SULLIVAN, Johnny Mitchelstown M 06:18.2 33 39
40 1:03:16 KENNY, James Kilmurry-Ibrickane NC AC M50 06:19.5
41 1:03:26 CAHALANE, Sean Gneeveguilla AC M 06:20.5 363 41
42 1:03:30 JOHNSON, Kevin West Limerick AC M 06:20.9 261 42
43 1:03:34 HUANE, David Mayo AC M 06:21.3 305 43
44 1:03:34 WALL, Fergus Kinsale M40 06:21.3 39 44
45 1:04:11 KENNEDY, Ciaran Ballinahinch M 06:25.0 493 45
46 1:04:12 SMITH, Kevin East Cork AC M 06:25.1 36 46
47 1:04:12 GILL, Brendan Westport M 06:25.1 436 47
48 1:04:13 DESMOND, John Eagle AC M45 06:25.2 64 48
49 1:04:26 BRUTON, Brian Galway City Harriers M 06:26.5 480 49
50 1:04:38 WHYTE, T.J. Tuam AC M45 06:27.7 497 50
51 1:04:53 HARVEY, Michael Kilmurry-Ibrickane NC AC M50 06:29.2
52 1:04:56 CUNNINGHAM, Mike Bilboa AC M40 06:29.5 34 52
53 1:05:00 BULMAN, Mark Donoughmore AC M45 06:29.9 72 53
54 1:05:08 RYAN, Michael Dundrum AC M 06:30.7 413 54
55 1:05:12 ROCHE, Tracey Dooneen AC F 06:31.1 260 55
56 1:05:38 MACKEY, Tom Kilmurry-Ibrickane NC AC M50 06:33.7
57 1:05:44 RICE, Paul West Limerick AC M 06:34.3 470 57
58 1:05:47 O'MALLEY, Michael Border Ramblers M50 06:34.6
59 1:05:47 GALLAGHER, Paul Marian AC M 06:34.6 333 59
60 1:05:55 PYNE, Ronan Marian AC M 06:35.4 28 60
61 1:06:05 ASPEL, Brendan Waterford AC M40 06:36.4 60 61
62 1:06:09 CASHMAN, John Midleton AC M40 06:36.8 57 62
63 1:06:12 MADDEN, Tom Marian AC M55 06:37.1 332 63
64 1:06:24 SHANAHAN, Paul Cork M40 06:38.3 50 64
65 1:06:30 MARTIN, Eimear Sportsworld RC F 06:38.9 459 65
66 1:06:32 BREEN, Mark Athenry AC M40 06:39.1 454 66
67 1:06:35 CARROLL, Denis Eagle AC M45 06:39.4 46 67
68 1:06:36 HICKEY, Ann-Marie Raheny Shamrock AC F 06:39.5 79 68
69 1:06:37 MCBRIDE, Michael Ennis Track Club M40 06:39.6 248 69
70 1:06:41 RYAN, Denise Raheny Shamrock AC F40 06:40.0 55 70
71 1:06:56 FENNELL, John Raheny Shamrock AC M45 06:41.5 251 71
72 1:07:02 LENNON, Siobhan Ennis Track Club F35 06:42.1 489 72
73 1:07:09 BARRY, Alan Glanmire M 06:42.8 80 73
74 1:07:11 TWOMEY, Pat Eagle AC M55 06:43.0 67 74
75 1:07:14 CORRY, Brian Marian AC MJ 06:43.3 469 75
76 1:07:16 O'DONNELL, Kenneth West Waterford AC M 06:43.5 58 76
77 1:07:30 SWEENEY, Mary St. Finbarrs AC F45 06:44.9 74 77
78 1:07:30 HUNT, Tom Mayo AC M60 06:44.9 301 78
79 1:07:35 MCKEVITT, David Raheny Shamrock AC M40 06:45.4
80 1:07:42 NEILAND, Tommy Craughwell AC M 06:46.1 396 80
81 1:07:43 GERAGHTY, Tom Marian AC M 06:46.2 435 81
82 1:07:52 CUSSEN, Michael West Limerick AC M 06:47.1 445 82
83 1:08:14 TALBOT, Andrew Clare River Harriers M55 06:49.3 259 83
84 1:08:30 JOYCE, Colin Limerick M 06:50.9 48 84
85 1:08:35 CLANCY, Martin Kilmurry-Ibrickane NC AC M45 06:51.4
86 1:08:38 QUINLAN, Fergal Cobh M 06:51.7 295 86
87 1:08:41 GUILFOYLE, Tracy Kilnaboy AC F40 06:52.0 381 87
88 1:08:45 CALLINAN, Niall Athenry AC M 06:52.4 444 88
89 1:08:46 TIDESWELL, Kealey Clonmel AC F 06:52.5 315 89
90 1:09:05 HAYES, Shane Mallow AC M 06:54.4 77 90
91 1:09:11 QUINN, David Loughrea AC M 06:55.0 281 91
92 1:09:22 RAFTER, Barry Limerick M50 06:56.1 279 92
93 1:09:24 MACGEORGE, Niall Kilmurry-Ibrickane NC AC M 06:56.3
94 1:09:25 DUNPHY, John Midleton AC M40 06:56.4 82 94
95 1:09:28 CRONIN, Denis Mallow AC M45 06:56.7 104 95
96 1:09:28 HEALY, Jane-Ann Athenry AC F 06:56.7 403 96
97 1:09:30 TUOHY, Teresa Bilboa AC F45 06:56.9 88 97
98 1:09:32 WALL, Norma West Waterford AC F 06:57.1 102 98
99 1:09:37 KAVANAGH, Richard Sli Cualann AC M55 06:57.6 97 99
100 1:09:39 KEARNEY, Oliver Duhallow AC M50 06:57.8 410 100
101 1:09:47 SANZ, Oscar Galway M 06:58.6 360 101
102 1:10:00 HANLON, David Mallow M 06:59.9 476 102
103 1:10:10 HEALY, Pat Kilmaley M 07:00.9 464 103
104 1:10:16 KELLY, Michael St. Marys AC M40 07:01.5 90 104
105 1:10:25 NIC DHOMHNAILL, Aisling West Limerick AC F 07:02.4
106 1:10:46 O'BRIEN, Con Banteer M55 07:04.5 418 106
107 1:10:53 O'DONNELL, Mairtin Clare River Harriers M50 07:05.2
108 1:10:57 CROWLEY, Tim Mitchelstown M 07:05.6 93 108
109 1:11:05 HURLEY, Douglas Kilnaboy AC M 07:06.4 483 109
110 1:11:07 LUNA, Angelo Italy M40 07:06.6 425 110
111 1:11:09 DENNEHY, Anthony Star Of The Laune AC M 07:06.8 420 111
112 1:11:12 COMPTON, Denise Dundrum AC F40 07:07.1 405 112
113 1:11:18 CLOHISEY, Vinnny Raheny Shamrock AC M55 07:07.7
114 1:11:21 RYAN, James Kileens M40 07:08.0 100 114
115 1:11:31 DANIELS, Alan Loughrea M 07:09.0 282 115
116 1:11:35 CONNOLLY, John Galway City Harriers M 07:09.4 393 116
117 1:11:43 MEANEY, Denis St. Marys AC M55 07:10.2 321 117
118 1:11:50 SHANAGHY, Eoin St. Finbarrs AC M 07:10.9 105 118
119 1:12:02 WHELAN, Sean Ennis Track Club M55 07:12.1 273 119
120 1:12:04 DUGGAN, Loretto St. Marys AC F35 07:12.3 117 120
121 1:12:19 HORGAN, Mary Passage West F35 07:13.8 130 121
122 1:12:23 FITZGERALD, Declan Kilnaboy AC M 07:14.2 487 122
123 1:12:32 GRIFFIN, John Grange-Fermoy AC M 07:15.1 133 123
124 1:12:36 DOLAN , Conor Athenry AC M 07:15.5 31 124
125 1:12:38 MURPHY, Darren Athenry M 07:15.7 337 125
126 1:12:38 CLANCY, Catherine Kilnaboy AC F35 07:15.7 421 126
127 1:12:39 PHELAN, Pat Dunboyne AC M40 07:15.8 450 127
128 1:12:54 BYRD, Charlie Cork M40 07:17.3 292 128
129 1:12:58 FORDE, Patrick Athenry AC M40 07:17.7 307 129
130 1:13:09 HASSETT, Ciara Rathfarnham-WSAF AC F 07:18.8 471 130
131 1:13:14 HAYES, Diarmuid Cork M 07:19.3 160 131
132 1:13:17 GARVEY, Niamh Raheny Shamrock AC F 07:19.6 87 132
133 1:13:23 HOLMES, PJ Dundrum AC M50 07:20.2 412 133
134 1:13:25 HANRAHAN, Ita Ennis Track Club F40 07:20.4 448 134
135 1:13:28 GLAVIN, Valerie Athenry AC F 07:20.7 285 135
136 1:13:33 GRIFFIN, Conor Athenry AC M 07:21.2 441 136
137 1:13:35 MCCARTHY, Jerry Mallow AC M50 07:21.4 268 137
138 1:13:39 BURKE, Marion St. Marys AC F35 07:21.8 399 138
139 1:13:46 COLLINS, Trevor Naas AC M 07:22.5 116 139
140 1:13:47 QUILL, Shane Adare M 07:22.6 400 140
141 1:13:51 MCDERMOTT, Mary Donore Harriers F40 07:23.0 391 141
142 1:13:53 CONWAY, Gerry Tuam M 07:23.2 320 142
143 1:13:53 DUNFORD, Ann West Waterford AC F40 07:23.2 142 143
144 1:13:54 DUNFORD, Pat West Waterford AC M40 07:23.3 98 144
145 1:13:57 BEATTY, T.J. Loughrea AC M60 07:23.6 134 145
146 1:14:04 COLLINS, Eddie Raheny Shamrock AC M45 07:24.3 128 146
147 1:14:05 POWER, Aishling Ennis Track Club F40 07:24.4 449 147
148 1:14:07 HOLLAND, John Mallow AC M60 07:24.6 252 148
149 1:14:08 GIBSON, Andy Eagle AC M40 07:24.7 269 149
150 1:14:14 HOOPER, Aileen Raheny Shamrock AC F 07:25.3 129 150
151 1:14:14 LYONS, Desmond Raheny Shamrock AC M40 07:25.3 137 151
152 1:14:21 DWYER, Anthony West Waterford AC M50 07:26.0 373 152
153 1:14:26 FORREST, Richard Blarney M 07:26.5 157 153
154 1:14:31 O'CALLAGHAN, John Rising Sun AC M 07:27.0 65 154
155 1:14:43 CREEDON, Stephen M 07:28.2 253 155
156 1:14:51 WILLIAMS, John St. Cronans AC M 07:29.0 358 156
157 1:14:54 HEALY, Tim Kanturk M45 07:29.3 385 157
158 1:14:58 COSTELLO, Brendan Tipperary M 07:29.7 255 158
159 1:15:00 PURCELL, Noel Ennis M 07:29.9 247 159
160 1:15:00 ENRIGHT, Deirdre West Limerick AC F 07:29.9 328 160
161 1:15:01 BULMAN, George Youghal AC M50 07:30.0 112 161
162 1:15:15 FITZGERALD, Jarlath Loughrea AC M40 07:31.4 339 162
163 1:15:20 MCSWEENEY, John Galway City Harriers M55 07:31.9
164 1:15:25 AHERNE, Joe Bilboa AC M50 07:32.4 75 164
165 1:15:25 MEEHAN, Ger Tulla AC M45 07:32.4 103 165
166 1:15:25 HAYES, Calvin Bilboa AC M40 07:32.4 119 166
167 1:15:31 CONERNEY, Derrek Athenry AC M 07:33.0 372 167
168 1:15:35 FOLEY, Shane Cork M 07:33.4 341 168
169 1:15:47 KERINS, Fergus St. Cronans AC M 07:34.6 359 169
170 1:15:48 BUCKLEY, Tim-Joe Donoughmore AC M55 07:34.7 124 170
171 1:15:49 MAC MATHUANA, Ciaran Newmarket-on-Fergus M 07:34.8
172 1:16:03 LYNSKEY, Alan Dublin M 07:36.2 378 172
173 1:16:05 MCLOUGHLIN, Niall Galway City Harriers M45 07:36.4
174 1:16:07 LETTICE, Kieran Cork M 07:36.6 139 174
175 1:16:12 COLLINS, Niall Naas AC M 07:37.1 150 175
176 1:16:17 WRIXON, Sean Glanmire M40 07:37.6 94 176
177 1:16:21 NEGRISOLI, Anna Italy F45 07:38.0 424 177
178 1:16:25 CUSACK, Brendan Kilmurry-Ibrickane NC AC M50 07:38.4
179 1:16:27 KELLY, Bernie Galway City Harriers F50 07:38.6 162 179
180 1:16:51 DALY, Brendan Buttevant M 07:41.0 316 180
181 1:16:52 CARROLL, Eoin Buttevant M 07:41.1 317 181
182 1:16:53 O'MALLEY, Christy Mayo AC M40 07:41.2 304 182
183 1:17:05 CAHILL, Joe Kilnaboy AC M40 07:42.4 256 183
184 1:17:06 MURPHY-HEHIR, Cushla Marian AC F50 07:42.5 246 184
185 1:17:12 FYNES, Nicola Raheny Shamrock AC F 07:43.1 132 185
186 1:17:18 GALLAGHER, Oliver Kilmurry-Ibrickane NC AC M45 07:43.7
187 1:17:20 LAHIFFE, Fintan Clare M 07:43.9 463 187
188 1:17:21 BOGUE, Pat Ennis M 07:44.0 438 188
189 1:17:28 BRICKLEY, Aidan Kilmallock M45 07:44.7 289 189
190 1:17:29 CURRAN, Martin West Waterford AC M 07:44.8 165 190
191 1:17:34 ANSELMI, Umberto Italy M 07:45.3 430 191
192 1:17:40 BLACKBURN, Spiros Dublin M 07:45.9 343 192
193 1:17:41 QUILLIGAN, Kevin Mallow AC M50 07:46.0 254 193
194 1:17:42 BURNS, Colin Dublin M 07:46.1 467 194
195 1:17:46 CARROLL, Michael Limerick Country Club AC M60 07:46.5 167 195
196 1:17:47 O'SULLIVAN, Sean Fergus AC M 07:46.6 465 196
197 1:18:01 DOOLEY, Sean Kilnaboy AC M 07:48.0 384 197
198 1:18:01 SYRON, Sarah Mayo AC F 07:48.0 350 198
199 1:18:20 BRERETON, Dermot Rhode M 07:49.9 271 199
200 1:18:22 O'CONNELL, Mary Gneeveguilla AC F35 07:50.1 275 200
201 1:18:26 PORTER, Graham Slaney Olympic AC M55 07:50.5 257 201
202 1:18:29 DONOVAN, Liam Glanmire M50 07:50.8 266 202
203 1:18:30 SARTORE, Roberto Italy M50 07:50.9 429 203
204 1:18:31 TUREATO, Mario Italy M45 07:51.0 431 204
205 1:18:31 CAUCHIOU, Marco Italy M40 07:51.0 422 205
206 1:18:32 BEIRNE, Barry Loughrea AC M 07:51.1 330 206
207 1:18:32 CARROLL, Aoife Mallow AC F 07:51.1 283 207
208 1:18:45 PORTER, Jane Slaney Olympic AC F50 07:52.4 258 208
209 1:18:50 GLEESON, Tom Ennis M 07:52.9 439 209
210 1:18:50 PETRASSI, Marco Cork M 07:52.9 340 210
211 1:18:54 GHELFI, Andre Carrigaline M 07:53.3 166 211
212 1:18:58 O'HALLORAN, John Glounthaune M55 07:53.7 170 212
213 1:19:03 O'LOUGHLIN, Kevin Kilmurry-Ibrickane NC AC M55 07:54.2 354 213
214 1:19:05 GARRIHY, Seamus Clare M 07:54.4 366 214
215 1:19:06 DINEEN, Micheal Gneeveguilla AC M45 07:54.5 262 215
216 1:19:08 CASEY, Donal Ballincollig M 07:54.7 291 216
217 1:19:10 KELLY, Ronan Loughrea AC M 07:54.9 409 217
218 1:19:10 COLLINS, Louise Loughrea AC F 07:54.9 408 218
219 1:19:14 MURPHY, Mary St. Finbarrs AC F45 07:55.3 300 219
220 1:19:24 MURRAY, Anthony Na Fianna AC M 07:56.3 272 220
221 1:19:27 WHELAN, Enda Sligo AC M55 07:56.6 347 221
222 1:19:29 MCGUINNES, Aonghus Athenry AC M 07:56.8 442 222
223 1:19:34 FALSEY, Maura Kilmurry-Ibrickane NC AC F50 07:57.3 249 223
224 1:19:36 BERMINGHAN, Lisa Ennis F 07:57.5 313 224
225 1:19:44 TREACY, Pio Kilnaboy AC M 07:58.3 353 225
226 1:19:53 HURLEY, Robert Clare M 07:59.2 462 226
227 1:19:56 KINGFARLOW, Marcus Berkshire M 07:59.5 411 227
228 1:19:58 LETTICE, Eoin Cork M 07:59.7 188 228
229 1:20:06 O'BRIEN, Jack Banteer M 08:00.5 419 229
230 1:20:11 MULCAHY, Mary St. Finbarrs AC F45 08:01.0 199 230
231 1:20:15 O'MULLANE, Sinead Ennis F 08:01.4 478 231
232 1:20:17 CONWAY, Claire Tuam F40 08:01.6 319 232
233 1:20:22 O'MAHONEY, James Gneeveguilla AC M 08:02.1 286 233
234 1:20:28 DRENNAN, Angeline West Waterford AC F 08:02.7 192 234
235 1:21:16 DUNPHY, Sahy Kilmaley M 08:07.5 290 235
236 1:21:18 LENIHAN, Richard West Limerick AC M55 08:07.7 404 236
237 1:21:23 O'LOUGHLIN, Marian Ennis Track Club F45 08:08.2 490 237
238 1:21:24 LUCAFERRO, Manuela Italy F45 08:08.3 428 238
239 1:21:28 COLLINS, Paul Naas AC M 08:08.7 176 239
240 1:21:37 O'SULLIVAN, Catherine Mitchelstown F35 08:09.6 362 240
241 1:21:41 GALLAGHER, Siobhan Ennis Track Club F35 08:10.0 331 241
242 1:21:45 FINN, Paul Laois M 08:10.4 314 242
243 1:21:51 MOLONEY, Ger Lucan Harriers M 08:11.0 481 243
244 1:21:53 WALSHE, John East Cork AC M55 08:11.2 126 244
245 1:22:01 BUCKLEY, Una St. Finbarrs AC F 08:12.0 174 245
246 1:22:03 SURLIS, Paul Tipperary M 08:12.2 277 246
247 1:22:04 DEVERY, Patrick Galway M 08:12.3 276 247
248 1:22:12 BAKER, Nic Dundrum AC M40 08:13.1 326 248
249 1:22:13 KNOWLES, Charles Kilnaboy AC M 08:13.2 437 249
250 1:22:18 WALL, Triona West Waterford AC F 08:13.7 374 250
251 1:22:19 O'SULLIVAN, Martin Ballincollig AC M50 08:13.8 336 251
252 1:22:30 MACDOMHNAILL, Carmel West Limerick AC F50 08:14.9 369 252
253 1:22:34 O'DONOGHUE, Donal Little Island M40 08:15.3 194 253
254 1:22:40 O'LOUGHLIN, Ann Kilnaboy AC F40 08:15.9 382 254
255 1:22:46 KENNY, Kevin Corofin M 08:16.5 498 255
256 1:22:49 O'CONNOR, Linda Ennis Track Club F35 08:16.8 274 256
257 1:22:53 WALSH, Adele St Senans AC F 08:17.2 355 257
258 1:23:03 MCCARTHY, Michael West Waterford AC M50 08:18.2 461 258
259 1:23:10 MCKEOWN, Mary Limerick Country Club AC F40 08:18.9 198 259
260 1:23:16 BARRY, David Newmarket-on-Fergus M 08:19.5 270 260
261 1:23:17 COLEMAN, Barry Cork M 08:19.6 189 261
262 1:23:19 LIDDANE, Kieran Olympic Harriers M 08:19.8 182 262
263 1:23:22 HOGAN, Michael Kilnaboy AC M 08:20.1 432 263
264 1:23:26 BRERETON, Niall Rhode M 08:20.5 323 264
265 1:23:31 GORMAN, Noel Craughwell AC M 08:21.0 492 265
266 1:23:51 SHANAHAN, Joe Kilmurry-Ibrickane NC AC M 08:23.0 417 266
267 1:24:01 NOLAN, Ross Skerries M 08:24.0 294 267
268 1:24:03 O'BRIEN, Gerard Killeagh M 08:24.2 177 268
269 1:24:14 CONCANNON, Gina Galway City Harriers F 08:25.3 488 269
270 1:24:30 COYNE, Carmel Ennis F35 08:26.9 415 270
271 1:24:32 MINOGUE, Paschal Castletroy M45 08:27.1 494 271
272 1:24:33 PEZZOTTI, Beatrice Italy F40 08:27.2 426 272
273 1:24:36 HARTY, Margaret Limerick AC F50 08:27.5 346 273
274 1:24:41 WHELAN, Phillip Dublin M 08:28.0 466 274
275 1:25:05 NEILAND, Karen Watergrasshill F40 08:30.4 284 275
276 1:25:13 MCLOUGHLIN, Michael Tuam AC M40 08:31.2 482 276
277 1:25:20 DELAI, Annalisa Italy F50 08:31.9 427 277
278 1:25:40 NEILAND, Tony Watergrasshill M40 08:33.9 200 278
279 1:25:41 COLEMAN, John Cork M40 08:34.0 329 279
280 1:25:48 FITZGERALD, Kieran Kanturk M40 08:34.7 386 280
281 1:25:49 KACSEMYAK, Sambor Hungary M40 08:34.8 407 281
282 1:25:51 SHEEHAN, Michael Limerick Country Club AC M50 08:35.0
283 1:25:53 GUTHRIE, Michael Clare M45 08:35.2 365 283
284 1:26:00 O'LEARY, Mary Kilferona F 08:35.9 455 284
285 1:26:02 O'LEARY, Neillie Belgooly AC M60 08:36.1 186 285
286 1:26:09 MCINERNEY, John Athenry M 08:36.8 388 286
287 1:26:10 FOLEY, Stephen Blarney M 08:36.9 202 287
288 1:26:11 BURNS, Aine London F45 08:37.0 486 288
289 1:26:13 DEMPSEY, Rhona Cork F 08:37.2 351 289
290 1:26:17 GYVES, Paddy Mallow AC M60 08:37.6 338 290
291 1:26:23 HENCHY, David Newmarket-on-Fergus M 08:38.2 334 291
292 1:26:35 FITZGERALD, Olivia Gneeveguilla AC F 08:39.4 213 292
293 1:26:37 BROWNE, Ger Limerick Country Club AC M40 08:39.6 310 293
294 1:26:43 KITT, Frank Clare River Harriers M55 08:40.2 288 294
295 1:26:54 REIDY, Mary Killarney F 08:41.3 434 295
296 1:26:54 FITZGERGERALD, Susan Killarney F35 08:41.3 433 296
297 1:27:14 FLYNN, Nora Gneeveguilla AC F40 08:43.3 215 297
298 1:27:37 COONEY, Tony Ballincollig AC M50 08:45.6 335 298
299 1:27:52 HEADD, Irene Loughrea AC F35 08:47.1 318 299
300 1:28:15 FORRISTAL, David St Senans AC M 08:49.4 185 300
301 1:28:16 COLLINS, Sharon Limerick Country Club AC F 08:49.5 352 301
302 1:28:34 KIRWAN, Ita Cork F40 08:51.3 287 302
303 1:28:52 O'GRADY, Anne Eagle AC F 08:53.1 224 303
304 1:28:55 HAWKINS, Tom Gort M 08:53.4 499 304
305 1:29:01 AHERN, Aisling Newport F 08:54.0 195 305
306 1:29:07 ROHAN, David Athenry M 08:54.6 368 306
307 1:29:15 WALSH, Clare West Waterford AC F 08:55.4 222 307
308 1:29:34 BULGARI, Piero Italy M45 08:57.3 423 308
309 1:29:37 MACCOIN, Patrocia Kinvara F 08:57.6 387 309
310 1:29:37 CORBETT, John Limerick Country Club AC M45 08:57.6 309 310
311 1:29:38 PROCTOR, Paschal West Waterford AC M55 08:57.7 205 311
312 1:29:51 CASEY, Michelle St. Marys AC F35 08:59.0 491 312
313 1:29:57 DUFFY, Tracey Ennis Track Club F 08:59.6 312 313
314 1:30:00 MCKEOWN, Craig Limerick AC MJ 08:59.9 345 314
315 1:30:01 RYAN, Catherine Limerick Country Club AC F40 09:00.0 184 315
316 1:30:18 LIDDANE, Olive Olympic Harriers F 09:01.7 402 316
317 1:30:19 GANNON, Treasa Athenry AC F 09:01.8 443 317
318 1:30:44 BARRON, Bernadette West Limerick AC F50 09:04.3 376 318
319 1:30:46 FENNESSY, Josephine Ennis F40 09:04.5 390 319
320 1:31:09 CONNOLLY, Eimear Ennis Track Club F 09:06.8 311 320
321 1:31:14 O'SULLIVAN, Sonya Donoughmore AC F35 09:07.3 220 321
322 1:31:24 FITZGERALD, Evelynn Eagle AC F 09:08.3 397 322
323 1:31:24 BURKE, Paul Dublin M 09:08.3 451 323
324 1:31:33 FLEMING, Sandra Gneeveguilla AC F 09:09.2 229 324
325 1:31:46 CLEARY, Pauline Limerick Country Club AC F45 09:10.5 375 325
326 1:32:11 MURPHY, Angela Ballincollig F45 09:13.0 219 326
327 1:32:23 WALSH, Mary Midleton AC F45 09:14.2 223 327
328 1:32:26 KEANE, Martin Athenry AC M60 09:14.5 401 328
329 1:32:37 NOESKE, Rasmus Mountshannon M55 09:15.6 357 329
330 1:33:24 O'BRIEN, Catriona West Waterford AC F35 09:20.3 221 330
331 1:33:41 BOUAKKAZ, Delia Galway F 09:22.0 389 331
332 1:34:11 HAYES, Helene West Waterford AC F50 09:24.9 230 332
333 1:34:25 O'BRIEN, Ger Glanmire M 09:26.3 265 333
334 1:34:43 KENNEDY, Brendan Tullamore Harriers M45 09:28.1 264 334
335 1:34:44 CLANCY, Seamus Kilnaboy AC M40 09:28.2 446 335
336 1:35:11 BRADY, Sean Galway City Harriers M 09:30.9 367 336
337 1:35:27 KENNEDY, Damien Limerick M 09:32.5 263 337
338 1:36:07 O'DWYER, Michael St. Catherines AC M40 09:36.5 325 338
339 1:36:54 NOESKE, Rita Mountshannon F50 09:41.2 356 339
340 1:37:04 BURNS, Criona Limerick F45 09:42.2 485 340
341 1:37:12 DONNELLY, Jim Ballyhaunis M55 09:43.0 306 341
342 1:37:18 AHERNE, Kay Bilboa AC F50 09:43.6 406 342
343 1:37:28 RAFTER, Caroline Limerick F35 09:44.6 280 343
344 1:37:43 BURNS, Deirdre Glamire F40 09:46.1 484 344
345 1:38:41 HARNEY, Mary West Waterford AC F35 09:51.9 231 345
346 1:39:04 FITZGIBBON, Sheila Tower F40 09:54.2 239 346
347 1:40:33 FLYNN, Paula Kilnaboy AC F35 10:03.1 237 347
348 1:41:17 DEWBERRY, Gemma Waterford AC F35 10:07.5 216 348
349 1:41:32 LESLIE, Ray Dysart M 10:09.0 416 349
350 1:41:37 LINEHAN, Tommy West Waterford AC M45 10:09.5 235 350
351 1:41:45 LOVETT, Conor West Limerick AC M40 10:10.3 327 351
352 1:43:00 WARREN, Christian Corofin M 10:17.8 299 352
353 1:43:26 BOYLE, Mairead Dublin F 10:20.4 342 353
354 1:43:52 BYRD, Tom Cork M50 10:23.0 293 354
355 1:45:05 CREMA, Massiniliano Italy M60 10:30.3 468 355
356 1:46:02 SHEIL, Jacinta West Waterford AC F45 10:36.0 240 356
357 1:46:03 WALSH, Martina West Waterford AC F 10:36.1 234 357
358 1:46:49 MURNANE, Mags Limerick F 10:40.7 302 358
359 1:47:26 LEHANE, Barbara Mallow F 10:44.4 241 359
360 1:51:13 O'LEARY, Clare Midleton AC F 11:07.1 242 360
361 1:56:47 CROWE, Hubert Tipperary M 11:40.5 244 361
362 2:10:07 MURPHY, Timmy Kilnaboy AC M 13:00.5 440 362
363 2:26:25 ROCHE, Sean Kilnaboy AC M55 14:38.3 296 363
Organised by Kinaboy AC - Race 4 of the John Buckley Sports Munster Ten-Mile Spring Classics Series
Results produced by Ballycotton Running Promotions.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Weather Forecast for the Kilnaboy 10 - Sun 12th Apr 09

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Clare...Preview of the Kilnaboy 10 mile road race - Sun 12th Apr 2009
Cork & Waterford - Unless you are prepared to drive around, the best option is probably to leave early on Sunday morning and miss the bottleneck from 11am onwards.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Waterford...Results of the 'Splashworld' 10 km race - Sun 5th Apr 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009
Clare...Results of the 'Michael Egan' 4 Mile Road Race - Sun 5th Apr 2009

1 Seamus Power Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare 0/35 21.20
2 Dermot Kearns West Limerick 21.30
3 Patrick Cassidy Glaslough Harriers 21.36
4 John Byrne Mayo A.C 21.48
5 Martin Corcoran Craughwell 0/40 21.55
6 Tony Scanlon G.C.H 21.58
7 Gerard Guinea West Limerick 22.07
8 Anthony Devanney Mayo A.C 22.27
9 Keith Ryan Limerick A.C 0/40 22.37
10 Kenny Curran Ballynonty 0/35 22.42
11 Joe Chawke West Limerick 0/40 22.56
12 Eugene Moynihan Marian 0/50 23.01
13 Martin Keane Dundrum 23.03
14 Terry Hennessy St Cronans 0/40 23.21
15 Patrick Enright Cratloe 23.29
16 Madeline Loughnane Thurles Crokes F/Snr 23.31
17 Martin Mc Evilly G.C.H 0/60 23.39
18 James Kenny Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare 0/50 23.43
19 Michael Harvey Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare 0/50 24.00
20 Brian Corry Marian M/Jnr 24.01
21 Tom Mackey Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare 0/50 24.09
22 Mike Cunningham Bilboa 0/40 24.22
23 Donal Howley Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare 24.26
24 Ann Mac Phail Limerick F/35 24.36
25 David Huane Mayo A.C 0/35 24.45
26 Matt Alexander Coolquill 0/55 24.50
27 Tracy Roche Donneen A.C F/Snr 24.55
28 Kevin Johnson West Limerick 24.56
29 Tommy Madden Marian 0/55 25.02
30 Tom Geraghty Marian 0/35 25.12
31 Michael Mc Bride Ennis Track 0/40 25.17
32 Gary Madden West Limerick 25.19
33 Paul Fallon G.C.H 0/40 25.23
34 Dermot Neylon Marian 25.32
35 Tracy Guilfoyle Kilnaboy F/40 25.39
36 Brian Spring Marian 0/35 25.40
37 Tom Fitzgerald West Limerick 0/45 25.52
38 Siobhan Lennon Ennis Track F/35 25.54
39 Michelle O Mahony Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare F/45 26.00
40 Tom Hunt Mayo A.C 0/60 26.03
41 Wayne Malone Shannon M/Jnr 26.13
42 John O Sullivan Ennis Individual 26.14
43 Aaron Kelly St Marys M/Jnr 26.16
44 Noel Marshal Shannon 26.21
45 Deirdre Daly Ennis Track F/35 26.24
46 Claire Madigan Sj Johns F/Jnr 26.29
47 Marian Burke St Marys F/35 26.35
48 Con O Brien Banteer 0/55 27.01
49 Tiaan Van Rooyen Marian 27.04
50 Michael Kenny St Marys 0/40 27.06
51 David Mackey Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare M/Jnr 27.13
52 Seamus Cawley West Limerick 0/50 27.14
53 Denis Meaney St Marys 0/55 27.29
54 Dermot Moran St Marys 0/50 27.30
55 Sue Garrahy Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare F/45 27.50
56 Sharon Rynne Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare F/Snr 27.54
57 Loretto Duggan St Marys F/Snr 27.58
58 Pat Connolly Galway Individual 0/50 28.07
59 Aisling Power Ennis Track F/40 28.10
60 Ita Hanrahan Ennis Track F/40 28.25
61 Marie Keane Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare F/Snr 28.39
62 Cushla Murphy Marian F/50 28.52
63 Siobhan Gallagher Ennis Track F/35 28.48
64 Kevin O Loughlin Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare 0/55 28.48
65 Sean Whelan Ennis Track 0/55 28.59
66 Christy O Malley Mayo A.C 0/40 29.00
67 Andrew O Sullivan Ennis Individual 29.01
68 Michael Rouine Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare 0/40 29.04
69 Ollie Gallagher Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare 0/45 29.05
70 Brendan Cusack Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare 0/50 29.16
71 Corrie Van Rooyen Marian 0/50 29.29
72 Sean O Sullivan Fergus 0/45 29.35
73 June Twomey St Marys F/Snr 29.37
74 Sinead O Mulane Ennis Meet & Train F/Snr 29.55
75 Dean Flanagan Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare 29.57
76 Raymond Power Ennis Individual 0/40 29.59
77 Maura Falsey Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare F/50 30.11
78 John O Connell St Marys 0/45 30.19
79 Marian O Loughlin Ennis Track F/45 30.28
80 Willie Costello West Limerick 0/50 30.39
81 Donal Mc Hugh Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare M/Jnr 31.06
82 Joe Shannon Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare 31.10
83 Carmel Mac Domhnaill West Limerick F/50 31.18
84 Christina Organ Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare F/45 31.33
85 Louise Clune Ennis Meet & Train F/Snr 31.34
86 Michelle Casey St Marys F/Snr 31.41
87 Marie Barry Kildare F/Snr 31.51
88 Alan Griffin Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare M/Jnr 32.22
89 John Madden Marian 0/55 32.32
90 Eva Barrett West Limerick F/Snr 32.32
91 Noreen Mackey Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare F/Snr 32.42
92 Robert Downes Quin 32.48
93 Emer Connolly Ennis Track F/Snr 32.49
94 Billy Kelly Toureen Cahir Co Tipperary 0/60 32.51
95 Margaret Thompson Mountrath F/Snr 33.03
96 Tracy Duffy Ennis Track F/Snr 33.05
97 Hanna Kelly G.C.H F/45 33.12
98 Miriam O Connor Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare F/35 33.13
99 Liam Mc Cannon Ennis Individual 34.47
100 Conor Mc Inerney Clarecastle 34.47
101 Olive Harvey Ennis Track F/40 34.59
102 Kathleen Connole Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare F/50 35.06
103 Hillary Cunningham St Marys F/35 35.46
104 Yvonne Pender Ennis Meet & Train F/Snr 36.11
105 Sinead Murphy Ennis Meet & Train F/Snr 36.12
106 Colm Casey Limerick City 0/40 36.24
107 Eileen Blake Ennis Meet & Train F/Snr 36.29
108 Maeve Burke Ennis Meet & Train F/Snr 36.32
109 Lorraine Hayes Ennis Meet & Train F/Snr 36.34
110 Mary Mc Ardle Ennis Meet & Train F/Snr 36.43
111 Miriam O Sullivan Ennis Individual F/Snr 37.30
112 Agnes O Loughlin Kilmurry Ibrickane/North Clare F/50 37.32
113 Gerry O Connell Limerick Country Club 0/60 37.41
114 Dearbhla Cahill Shannon Meet & Train F/Snr 38.08
115 Lorraine Vaughan Ennis Meet & Train F/Snr 38.12
116 Maria Rynne Ennis Meet & Train F/Snr 38.12
117 Brid Keating Shannon Meet & Train F/Snr 38.41
118 Mary O Sullivan Ennis F/50 38.46
119 Sabina Mc Mahon Ennis Meet & Train F/Snr 39.06
120 Catherine Ryan Ennis Meet & Train F/40 39.08
121 Diarmuid Kenneally Kilmurry Ibrickane / North Clare M/Jnr 39.10
122 Clare Collins Ennis Meet & Train F/Snr 39.15
123 Clare Kirwan Shannon Meet & Train F/Snr 40.03
124 Gillian Coyle Shannon Meet & Train F/Snr 41.18
125 Fidelma Hawes Shannon Meet & Train F/Snr 41.25
126 Dolores Meaney Ennis Meet & Train F/Snr 42.21
127 Joan Purcell Ennis Meet & Train F/Snr 42.22
128Bernie Mc Guire Ennis Meet & Train F/Snr 42.25
129 Orla Donlon Shannon Meet & Train F/Snr 44.19
130 Eileen Casey Kildysart F/Snr 44.20
131 Marie Thornton Ennis Meet & Train F/Snr 47.22
132 Nuala Corry Ennis Meet & Train F/Snr 47.23
133 Ciara O Callaghan Shannon Meet & Train F/35 47.48
134 Louise Lynch Shannon Meet & Train F/40 47.50
135 Anne Germaine Shannon Meet & Train F/35 48.00